To All Barden Ridgebacks FC 2023 players and parents,
We look forward to welcoming you back in 2023!
Please read to the end before registering to help make the process as easy as possible.
If after reading the information below, you still have questions, please don’t hesitate to email our registrar Garry Leech [email protected] with any questions related to registering with our Club.
Like our Facebook page to keep informed of important dates & news
Sign in at using the same method you used last year, which will be either your email address, Facebook login or Google login. Once signed in, you can register yourself or your linked family members.
If you have forgotten your password reset it here.
These links will help you get there faster:
• MiniRoos 5-11 years Sign Up Form
• Juniors 12-18 years Sign Up Form
• Seniors 19 years+ Sign Up Form
• Coach/Team Manager Sign Up Form
• Committee Volunteer Registration Sign Up Form
Team Preference Option:
Use this section to specify which team you would like to be in for 2023; although it is not mandatory it will be very helpful and will be a time saver for our club volunteers and using this feature would be much appreciated.
New Players – all age groups
Please choose the ‘New to BRFC’ option.
Returning MiniRoos Players
To help with team planning and allocations, please:
CLICK Team Preference box when registering and from the drop-down list, choose the age group you will be playing in for 2023. e.g. born in 2015 select U8s (Boys/Mixed) or W8s (for all girl teams).
Returning Junior Players
CLICK Team Preference box when registering and from the drop-down list, choose the age group you will be playing in for 2023. This is particularly important for players who will be playing up a year* e.g. players born in 2009 will select U14s or W14, if you will be playing up a year you would select U16 or W16.
* Selecting an age above your age group will not guarantee a place in that age group.
Returning Senior Players
CLICK Team Preference box when registering and from the drop-down list, choose your 2022 Team/Coach e.g. AL05 / HUNT
Male & Female Players progressing to U10/W10 and ALL NEW players who are playing in U10/W10 and ABOVE age groups, must upload a CURRENT passport style photo to their profile. No hats or glasses to be worn. (Please have this ready before you commence your registration)
Please complete the on-line registration process, please note you will also need to show proof of age and proof of residency in the Sutherland Shire (see list below). These documents can be emailed to our registrar or brought down in person at our club’s open day on Sunday 22nd January 2023. Visit BRFC Facebook for dates, times & latest information.
Any player new to SSFA competition must provide both proof of date of birth and proof of Sutherland Shire residency. The following list of documents are the only acceptable form of proof accepted:
Proof of Age:
• passport
• birth certificate
• driver's licence
• NSW Photo Card issued by Service NSW
Proof of residency within the Sutherland Shire:
• Current driver's licence with address unaltered
• Recent document from a financial institution or government agency (e.g., bank or council rates)
Please note tenancy agreements, phone or utility bills will not be accepted
All registrations must be paid online, please have your credit/debit card ready. If you are unable to pay online please email our treasurer [email protected] or president [email protected]
Active Kids vouchers can be used to pay or part-pay for registration for any school aged children, but YOU MUST have the voucher code BEFORE proceeding with payment. 2023 Vouchers can be applied for after 1 January 2023. Apply for an Active Kids voucher here
NOTE: LATE FEES come into effect at midnight on 5th February 2023 - register early to avoid extra fees.
If you are having problems on the PlayFootball site please go to PlayFootball Support or email [email protected]
4. FAMILY DISCOUNT $30 for the 2nd child, $60 for the 3rd child and any further children.
Barden Ridgebacks Football Club fees for 2023 are as follows:
Rego completed before midnight
5th February 2023 Rego completed from
6th February 2023
U6 & U7 Boys and Girls ** $150 $150
U8 & U9 Boys and Girls ** $170 $170
U10 & U11 Boys and Girls ** $190 $190
U12 & U13, Boys and Girls ** $200 $200
U14, U15 & U16 Boys and Girls ** $210 $210
U18 Male & Female ** $240 $290
U21 & W21 $335 $385
All Age Men / Senior Women $335 $385
O35/O45 Men & O30 /O37 Women $335 $385
REGISTRATION OPENS: Friday 6th January
FEES: Registration Fees and Information visit:
CLUBHOUSE OPEN: Sunday 22nd January from 10am to 2pm for Registration Assistance, ID Sightings, Face to Face Registration Days & Merchandise Sales.
GRADING DATES: Grading starts on Sunday 12th February at Ridge 5 & 6
GRADING TIMES: To be advised
TRIAL DATES: Saturday & Sunday 11th & 12th March (to be confirmed)
SEASON STARTS: Round 1 is on 25th/26th March
LATE FEES: Come into effect from Monday 6th February 2023
If you have any Club related queries, please contact our Club Registrar via email: [email protected]
David Batten
M: 0413 764 600
E: [email protected]
Sent by:
Shared Services Team
On Behalf of Barden Ridgebacks FC
Email: [email protected]
Office Hours: Mon-Fri, 8.30am – 3.30pm
Support our sponsors who generously support our Club